Frontal fibrosing alopecia. What is it and how to prevent it?
If we talk about different types of alopecia or hair loss , there is a problem that has appeared with some insistence for some time now. It is a receding hairline in the frontotemporal area. That is, the entire edge of the oval of the face, from ear to ear.
This condition is known as frontal fibrosing alopecia.
It is suffered mainly by women and some studies associate it with hypothyroidism . It is said that in recent years the increase in incidence is spectacular and that the cause is not really known.
Curiously, in all these years, it is when the use of creams and hair products with sun protection has increased. Said protection are usually chemical filters, such as benzophenones, which are endocrine disruptors.
That is, substances that alter the hormonal system, related to hypo or hyperthyroidism. Will this have something to do with it? Well, we don't know, it is difficult to confirm the cause/effect relationship, but once again, we are committed to the precautionary principle and avoid using any type of product that contains endocrine disruptors.
A hypothesis that is being considered says that the use of moisturizing creams and hair protectors with sun filters that contain these substances recognized as endocrine disruptors, may be related to this receding hairline.
In 2021, on the occasion of the 2nd Congress of Ecological Hairdressing, I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Nicolás Olea, and he told us precisely about this. You can see it in the following video , from minute 13 to 17.
For this reason, our White Orchid hair products are completely free of any substance suspected of causing this type of alopecia and of course any other.
We are committed to protecting hair from the sun and harmful external agents with plants, oils, butters, noble substances that are our allies.
We highlight the smallest of the White Orchid family, Kashmir , small in size but immense in properties.
Its richness in carnauba wax , an excellent natural protector from UV and IR (ultraviolet and infrared) rays, in mango butter known for its great sun protection action, protective and moisturizing coconut oil , makes it essential to defend our hair from damage. sun rays, wind, cold, etc..., in a completely natural and healthy way.
All of our products are also loaded with plants that are very rich in antioxidants, which help combat external aggressions such as dust, pollution, and free radicals, which add to the causes of hair loss.
Some examples of the plants that you can find in our products:
Nutri Plus Shampoo , poppy petals, mallow flower, Revital Shampoo , Spanish sage, horsetail, nasturtium, No Frizz , marjoram, eleutherococcus, Care Fix , tepezcohuite, Dynamic Volume , flower cornflower, thyme, blackberry…
But all our wonderful products will be much more effective if, in addition, we apply some basic care to our hair and our body, to care for and nourish it from the inside, so that it looks strong and shiny on the outside.
To improve the health of your hair and prevent its loss, there are several actions to take and that you must take into account so that major hair problems do not arise:
This condition is known as frontal fibrosing alopecia.
It is suffered mainly by women and some studies associate it with hypothyroidism . It is said that in recent years the increase in incidence is spectacular and that the cause is not really known.
Curiously, in all these years, it is when the use of creams and hair products with sun protection has increased. Said protection are usually chemical filters, such as benzophenones, which are endocrine disruptors.
That is, substances that alter the hormonal system, related to hypo or hyperthyroidism. Will this have something to do with it? Well, we don't know, it is difficult to confirm the cause/effect relationship, but once again, we are committed to the precautionary principle and avoid using any type of product that contains endocrine disruptors.
A hypothesis that is being considered says that the use of moisturizing creams and hair protectors with sun filters that contain these substances recognized as endocrine disruptors, may be related to this receding hairline.
In 2021, on the occasion of the 2nd Congress of Ecological Hairdressing, I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Nicolás Olea, and he told us precisely about this. You can see it in the following video , from minute 13 to 17.
For this reason, our White Orchid hair products are completely free of any substance suspected of causing this type of alopecia and of course any other.
We are committed to protecting hair from the sun and harmful external agents with plants, oils, butters, noble substances that are our allies.
We highlight the smallest of the White Orchid family, Kashmir , small in size but immense in properties.
Its richness in carnauba wax , an excellent natural protector from UV and IR (ultraviolet and infrared) rays, in mango butter known for its great sun protection action, protective and moisturizing coconut oil , makes it essential to defend our hair from damage. sun rays, wind, cold, etc..., in a completely natural and healthy way.
All of our products are also loaded with plants that are very rich in antioxidants, which help combat external aggressions such as dust, pollution, and free radicals, which add to the causes of hair loss.
Some examples of the plants that you can find in our products:
Nutri Plus Shampoo , poppy petals, mallow flower, Revital Shampoo , Spanish sage, horsetail, nasturtium, No Frizz , marjoram, eleutherococcus, Care Fix , tepezcohuite, Dynamic Volume , flower cornflower, thyme, blackberry…
But all our wonderful products will be much more effective if, in addition, we apply some basic care to our hair and our body, to care for and nourish it from the inside, so that it looks strong and shiny on the outside.
What can I do to strengthen my hair and prevent it from falling out?
To improve the health of your hair and prevent its loss, there are several actions to take and that you must take into account so that major hair problems do not arise:
- Food is key. A balanced diet that includes all the foods our hair needs is very important. And now that we spend more time at home and can dedicate more time to cooking, it is a good time to include in our diet all the foods that prevent its loss (iron, proteins, Omega 3, Zinc, biotin...) and all the vitamins that our hair needs (Vitamin A, B12, B9, C, D and E). Also remember that hydration is key, so don't stop drinking two liters of water a day!
- Wash your hair properly and with professional products for your hair type. Take care of your hair as it deserves!
- Avoid using irons and dryers and never do it without thermal protector. We recommend our Dynamic Volume Raw Spay !
- Comb your hair correctly, you must go from the bottom up. If you do it the other way around, you are actually breaking the hair when you untangle.
- When you wash your hair, gently massage into the scalp , without rubbing aggressively, see our previous blog article, Why have my hair been falling out more lately? , where we tell you some tricks to do it correctly!
- When drying, do not rub the towel between the palms of your hands. This movement is very aggressive for wet locks, which suffer damage and tend to break easily. You have to gently press the towel against the hair from the bottom up, without rubbing it, so that it absorbs the water without causing damage.